Personal Health doesn’t just keep you feeling and looking good it’s also beneficial to your Business. 

We spend so much time building our businesses, sacrificing our own personal well being. We tend to put redundancies in place and many forget to put attention to the business’s most important asset, YOU. The one person that cares the most, usually knows the most and is the most crucial to the success of the business. 

I’ve been guilty of this in the past myself. I made every excuse as to why I couldn’t workout, I'm too tired, I have too much to do. When I would find the time? I could do XYZ rather than a workout... When you stop and think about it you can use those excuses for some of the most basic activities (eating, sleeping, breathing) BUT we need these not only to survive BUT to also continue working on the business. When you eat cleaner, get a good night's sleep, and spend as little as 30 minutes a day working out (4-5 days/week) you will see an increase in your work and the business, not to mention some of the benefits mentioned earlier (Looking and feeling better). 

Studies show regular exercise will also increase happiness, happier business owners create happier workplaces which also create happier employees and customers too. Recently, I stopped going to two local small businesses simply because of the negative attitude of the owner. Ironically one was a health food store (although I don’t think the owner worked out) and a butcher who definitely didn’t exercise. 

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you need to start entering body building the very least take a 20-30 minute walk after dinner or on a lunch break, take the family for a bike ride on the weekends, just start moving! Personally, it’s hard for me to take much time out of my day, so I started waking up earlier to fit in my exercise routine. Now, 98% of the time I'm up and out of bed before my alarm even goes off. It’s also nice knowing I have a few extra minutes just for me uninterrupted. 

Regular exercise is a chain reaction, the more you do the better you feel and the more parts of your life will be better too, including your business.

Do yourself (more importantly your business a favor) and exercise 30 minutes a day for a month and I guarantee you will notice a difference in your energy, mood, and overall happiness. 

Want to take it one step further?  Encourage or motivate your staff to do the same. At ROK we hold a weekly Bootcamp on Saturday at 9 am. Everyone is welcome, between 25 - 30% of the company attends. Not only does this help with the benefits mentioned above it also creates team morale. It’s a great time to just blow off steam, feel better, and strengthen the bond we have grown over the years! 

Share with me on social how how a regular exercise routine has improved your business! TwitterFacebookLinkedIn, or Instagram.  Use #personalhealth

About the Author, James Webster

James Webster, founder and Executive Chairman of ROK Financial has almost two decades of experience within the financial services industry. His passion for helping small business owners and his innovative way of thinking, has allowed him to run multiple successful businesses including National Business Capital & Services. Under the National name, the team was able to help secure over $1 Billion in financing for small businesses nationwide.